dijous, 17 de novembre del 2016


The UK government has signed a document ratifying the world's first comprehensive agreement on tackling climate change.

Parliament raised no objections to the Paris deal; after the government signed the deal on Thursday, it is now just awaiting deposition at the UN. The government is set to announce tomorrow that ratification is complete.
It comes in the wake of the election of Donald Trump, who has described climate change as a hoax.
The US President-elect promised to re-instate the coal industry in the US and withdraw from the Paris deal which the US has already ratified

The Paris Agreement commits countries to taking action to hold temperature rises to well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, and to try to stabilise emissions at a level which would see a temperature rise of no more than 1.5 degrees. More than 100 countries have already officially signed up to the deal, which came into force earlier this month.
Barry Gardiner, minister for international climate change, said: "This strong signal of the UK's commitment to international co-operation on climate change is even more important following the US election

My personal opinion about this new law is that it will be possitive for the contamination in Paris because the greenhouse effects has caused a lot of problems in the world  and if we don't do anything it will be much worse.


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