dilluns, 20 de juny del 2016


All years after finished the institute we went to the camping site "Almata" and we spent one week there. 
every family had a bungalow but this yoar the boys have a bungalow fot them and every night we went with them and we play with carts and speak. Also we went to the pool of the camping site that also have a jacutzzy and a pool of kids. Besides, we went to padel court and play tennis at night. 
This is a tradition of every year, we went to the camping site since we had 10 years and went with the school. After the school finished our parents decided that we would still come every year, but instead of going at the weekend we go for a week.We spend there sant Joan.
It's a great tradition and I love it. We had a great time there. 


This friday all students of 4th eso went to de dinner of graduation in the school. We had to go formal dress. When we arrived we went to the photocall and we do all the photos with teachers and students and all those things. After the photocool we went to dinner and we ate meat on the barbecue. 
After that began to rain a lot and we had to go on the classroom of music and the teachers recorded a video explaining  the good people who we aree and the memories they have of us. Almost all the girls ended crying because was beautiful and very emotional. After the video some students went to the stage and say thanks to the theachers. 
And for finally they show us a video of all the photos of eso but the video lasted 44 minuts and when we had spent a quarter of an hour we left to Ampuriabrava whit all my friends ( Monica, Esther, Judith, Pau, Joana, Zaira, Paula, Fatine Aroa, Brugues and Imma) and went to Mojito.
It was a magic night.

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016



Resultat d'imatges de shark
Giving a new meaning to the phrase "sleeping with the fishes"!. Airbnb are offering its users the chance to win a night in an underwater bedroom at Aquarium de Paris.

Scared yet? Well, what if we told you the lucky winners will be submerged in three million litres of water in a tank ten metres deep, with some rather unusual neighbours – 35 sharks!

Guests will also enjoy an intimate meal at the aquarium with tank-side views. The experience is designed to give competition winners an exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of sharks – how they live, why they're so misunderstood and their importance to the ocean's ecosystem.


Question 1. SETTING: Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?
In the book, the history happens in Verona, Italy in 16th century and in the films the history happens in Verona beach in USA.
Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors & images :
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...)
DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?
Romeo knows Juliet, there was an aquarius in the middle; ins the scene of the balcony, they felt in the swimming pool.
The angels: Mean Juliet because she disguise of angel in the party.
Fire(petrol station, fights): Violence, enemy, hate.
Day:Friendship, life (Friar laurence with his plants), Poetry (because Romeo writes in the day.).
Night: Death, darkness.
Moon: Expectation.

Question 3.. LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
All the characters speak in prose,the only one who speaks in verse is the TV reporter which it is also the narrator of the film.
When Romeo speak with Juliet or about her he speak in prose because he fell in love.
The narrator of the film is the girl of the news.
Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes the characters wear?
Juliet wear a costume from an angel, the means the innocence, and the purity
Romeo wear a costume from a knight, they represents a courtesy
Paris were a costume from a astronaut, they represent who he is in the moon.
Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun.
  • The swords have been changed for guns or for other weapons.
  • There is no nobility, so the prince of the city has been changed for the policeman and the noble families have been changed for rich families.
  • The place of the dead of Romeo and juliet has been changed for the church, because now the people has to be buried or burned.
  • The horses have been changed by cars.
  • The plague that blocks friar Laurence's message in the book is changed for a post office problem.
Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version.
In the film version Romeo smoking. The stages are very differents. The clothes are so differences, in the classic film the clothes are the typical of the sixteenth century and in the new version the clothes are actual. In the film Mercutio is nigga and in the classic history he isn’t nigga. In the film version the nurse is so cheeky but in the classical version she is so sweet.



My world are my familiy.
My mother Mª Angeles is 47 years old and work at the Ruiz Amado school and is the coordinator monitors dining. She has one brother and one sister, my uncles Toni and Pepi.Their hobbie are go walking with her fiends.
My father Francisco or Kiko like everibody call him is 50 years old and work on works at a company selling houses. He has two sisters and one brother, my uncles Nuri, Maribel and Raul. Their hobbie is cycling. he go on bike every day.
My brother Didac is 11 years old. He goes to the joana d'Empuries school and the next year will be in the high school. He plays football and he likes the playstation.

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2016


This year, students of subject of music were prepared throughout the year to make the musical. 

The teachers chose to make the musical of fame. The first time we hear about Fame we didn't agree because we didn't knew nothing about their history. But then, we liked the story and  during the second and third quarter we prepared the musical. We were two classes, to each class a student had a character in the play. It was decided that one class will do it saturday and the other class sunday.
The musical was on 28 and 29 April. During the last week we started to go to the municipal hall to the dress rehearsals, and everyone was scared because nothing came out well. The dances out moderately well but not too well. People did not know his script and also didn't know when to go on stage. Overall a huge disaster.

The last days started out well. The day of the musical everyone was very nervous but it went very well and everyone liked it. We had a great time